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    Infectious diseases

    Symptoms and causes By Mayo Clinic Staff Print Symptoms Each infectious disease has its own specific signs and symptoms. General signs and symptoms common to a number of infectious diseases include: Fever Diarrhea Fatigue Muscle aches Coughing When to see a doctor Seek medical attention if you: Have been bitten by an animal Are having

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    Lyme Disease and the Many Symptoms It Can Present in Humans

      When it comes to Lyme disease, there is a number of important factors that all must be addressed for proper diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The complications that arise from the many opportunistic co-infections that are traditionally present in Chronic Lyme disease sufferers makes diagnosis based on the most common laboratory findings very

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    Learn about Lead

    What is Lead? Lead is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. While it has some beneficial uses, it can be toxic to humans and animals causing of health effects. Where is Lead Found? Lead can be found in all parts of our environment – the air, the soil, the water,

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    Lead and immune function

    Abstract The heavy metal lead is a widely deposited environmental toxicant known to impact numerous physiological systems, including the reproductive, neurological, hepatic, renal, and immune systems. Studies illustrating the capacity of lead to impair immune function and/or host resistance to disease date back to at least the 1960s. However, it has only been in recent

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