• August


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    Air Quality Information for the Sacramento Region

    Brought to you by the Sacramento Metropolitan, El Dorado, Feather River, Placer and Yolo-Solano Air Districts   Health Effects Overall Health Effects Even healthy people can experience health impacts from polluted air including respiratory irritation or breathing difficulties during exercise or outdoor activities. Your actual risk of adverse effects depends on your current health status,

    • August


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    Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke

    Dry conditions in much of the United States increase the potential for wildfires in or near wilderness areas. Stay alert for wildfire warnings and take action to protect yourself and your family from wildfire smoke. When wildfires burn in your area, they produce smoke that may reach your community. Wildfire smoke is a mixture of

    • August


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    Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your Home Cleaned?

    Should You Have the Air Ducts in Your Home Clenaed? EPA 402-K-97-002, October 1997 Contents Summary What Is Air Duct Cleaning? Deciding Whether or Not to Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned Suggestions for Choosing a Duct Cleaning Service Provider What to Expect of an Air Duct Cleaning Service Provider How to Determine if the Duct

    • July


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    How to Deal with Wildfire Smoke Inhalation

    Wildfires often cast ash and other irritants into the air, which may cause breathing problems for children, especially those with underlying respiratory problems. In this article, pediatric pulmonologists at Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Breathing Institute provide insight and advice on wildfire smoke inhalation. What makes wildfire smoke a health hazard? Wildfire smoke is different than a smoke you

    • July


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    5 Weird Ways Hot Tubs Can Make You Sick

    A relaxing dip in a hot tub may sound like the ideal way to spend a cool summer night. But in rare cases, danger may lurk beneath those soothing jets: Hot tub use has been linked with several types of infections and injuries. Here are five ways you can get hurt in a hot tub.

    • July


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    After a Wildfire

    Drive safely: Be alert for broken traffic lights and missing street signs. Watch out for trash and debris on the road. Be careful around damaged buildings or structures: Wait to return to buildings during daylight hours, when it is easier to avoid hazards, especially if the electricity is off and you have no lights. Cleanup Safely: Wear proper

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