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    12 Simple Ways to Fireproof Your Home for Summer

    Summer leaves ample room for accidents when it comes to fire. While we’re off enjoying the weather, simple things can go wrong resulting in a fire that spreads like, well, wildfire. Keep a fire safety plan in play all year and go over it with children every season to ensure they know what to do

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    Stay Cool While Spending Less

    Summer months can bring some of the highest energy costs of the year with the high demand for air conditioning. Keeping your home comfortable can be expensive, but it can also be dangerous. If your air conditioner runs too often, it can stress your home’s electric system and put you at risk for shock or

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    What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

    You’d be surprised at what your home insurance policy doesn’t cover. Here’s what is and isn’t covered by your insurance. What does your homeowners insurance cover? The short answer is: “A basic homeowners insurance policy (called HO-1 in insurance lingo) covers your home and possessions if they’re damaged or destroyed by these things: Fire Lightning

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    9 Kinds of Damage Home Insurance Won’t Cover

    Home insurance is a must-have for homeowners who want to protect their investment, and it’s usually required if you have a mortgage. But having home insurance doesn’t mean you’re covered against all problems that can damage your house or drain your savings. What is and isn’t covered depends on your policy type. An HO-2 policy,

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