• February


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    What should people to do if they determine they have Stachybotrys chartarum (Stachybotrys atra) in their buildings or homes?

    Mold growing in homes and buildings, whether it is Stachybotrys chartarum (Stachybotrys atra) or other molds, indicates that there is a problem with water or moisture. This is the first problem that needs to be addressed. Mold growth can be removed from hard surfaces with commercial products, soap and water, or a bleach solution of no more than 1

    • February


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    Mold and Moisture

    Are there Federal regulations or standards regarding mold? Can mold cause health problems? Has EPA issued specific recommendations on how frequently carpet should be cleaned? How can I tell if I have a mold problem? Does carpet cause IAQ problems in schools? Does ultraviolet (UV) radiation from UV lamps kill mold? How do I get

    • February


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    Asbestos Do’s and Don’ts for the Homeowner

    What to Do If You Have Asbestos in Your Home If you think there may be asbestos in your home, don’t panic. Asbestos-containing materials that aren’t damaged or disturbed are not likely to pose a health risk. Usually the best thing is to leave asbestos-containing material alone if it is in good condition. Generally, asbestos-containing

    • February


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    MOLD ALLERGY Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Treatment & Management MOLD ALLERGY OVERVIEW Molds are tiny fungi whose spores float through the air. They like damp environments and need four things to grow:  food, air, appropriate temperature and water. Molds can be found outdoors, in homes and in other buildings. Everyone breathes in mold spores in

    • February


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    Fundamentals of Indoor Air Quality in Buildings

    This module provides the fundamentals to understanding indoor air quality. It provides a rudimentary framework for understanding how indoor and outdoor sources of pollution, heat and humidity, together with the ventilation and air conditioning systems affect the indoor air quality in buildings. It also begins to address methods of controlling those factors in order that

    • January


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    Flood Cleanup to Protect Indoor Air Quality

    During a flood cleanup, the indoor air quality in your home or office may appear to be the least of your problems. However, failure to remove contaminated materials and to reduce moisture and humidity can present serious long-term health risks. Standing water and wet materials are a breeding ground for microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria

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