• August


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    Cancer Care

    Cancer is the primary killer in the US, recently surpassing heart disease. Despite its far reach and considerable costs, we know very little about the quality of care provided and its costs. And our health care system is far from delivering the high-value cancer care that it should: care that is proven to be effective,

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    Protect Your Property from an Earthquake

    Protecting your property from earthquakes can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining your building to installing protective devices. Most of these actions, especially those that affect the structure of your building or its utility systems, should be carried out by qualified maintenance staff or professional contractors licensed to work in your state,

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    Make Your Home Winter Ready

    Getting yourself ready for winter is a snap. Gloves? Check! Scarf? Right here. But readying your home for a long, cold season is another story. So, until someone invents a turtleneck sweater you can put around your house when it gets cold, there’s some organizing to do. We’ve got the tips to help you. Strategy

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    Cities Are Already Suffering From Summer Heat. Climate Change Will Make It Worse

    NEW YORK, N.Y. — Tina Johnson has a sense of place. She’s a fourth-generation New Yorker who lives in the same apartment in West Harlem’s Grant housing development that her grandparents lived in. She calls that apartment her anchor and the nine buildings that make up the development towering above 125th Street — home to roughly

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    Make Your Home Safe for All Ages

    To help enhance the safety and comfort of your visitor, especially one who may have some of the physical challenges that come with aging, here are a few quick and inexpensive things you can do to make the time less stressful for you and more comfortable for your guest: Consider pathways in the house. Clear obstacles,

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    Don’t Let Your Home Make Your Fall Allergies Worse Here’s how to allergy-proof every room in your house in time for fall

    Your garden may have lost the full bloom of summer, but don’t think you’re safe from common allergy triggers (like these). According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, some allergy sufferers find fall the hardest season due to two major sources: ragweed pollen and mold. Ragweed can continue into September and October and can

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