• September


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    After a Hurricane – Property Damage FAQs

    After a Hurricane – Property Damage FAQs Q: I don’t have a separate “flood” policy and my home insurance company is telling me that all the hurricane damage to my home is excluded/not covered. Are they right? A: In most cases, no. Insured property owners should be getting coverage for some or all the damage caused

    • September


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    IICRC standards

    The IICRC standards serve to develop common, industry-accepted language and terminology that enables us to more universally discuss concepts and procedures regarding cleaning, inspection and restoration. You can also review our IICRC Standards Development Process Summary. The IICRC is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) member and accredited standards developer. ANSI is responsible for overseeing the development of national consensus

    • September


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    Improving Indoor Air Quality

    The information provided here is based on current scientific and technical understanding of the issues presented. Following the advice given will not necessarily provide complete protection in all situations or against all health hazards that may be caused by indoor air pollution. There are three basic strategies to improve indoor air quality Source Control Improved

    • September


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    Before, During, and After a Wildfire

    Before, During, and After a Wildfire More and more people are making their homes in woodland settings – in or near forests, rural areas, or remote mountain sites – areas in which wildfires are more likely to occur. Wildfires often begin unnoticed. They spread quickly, igniting brush, trees, and homes. CDC recommends taking steps before,

    • September


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    Is your drinking water dangerous? In some parts of California, it could be

    Five years ago, California became the first state in the nation to recognize the human right to safe, clean, affordable and accessible water. Today, we look at how the state is working to ensure that right and where the biggest concerns for Californians are. The California Water Resources Control Board’s records show more than 266 water

    • August


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    Safe Cleanup of Fire Ash

    The recent fires have deposited large amounts of ash on indoor and outdoor surfaces in areas near the fire. Questions have been raised about possible dangers from contact with the ash and safe disposal procedures. The ash deposited by forest fires is relatively nontoxic and similar to ash that might be found in your fireplace.

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