• July


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    Inhalation Injuries: Smoke (from fires), chemicals, particle pollution, and gases

    Summary Inhalation injuries are acute injuries to your respiratory system and lungs. They can happen if you breathe in toxic substances, such as smoke (from fires), chemicals, particle pollution, and gases. Inhalation injuries can also be caused by extreme heat; these are a type of thermal injuries. Over half of deaths from fires are due

    • June


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    How To Get Rid of Mosquitoes

    Mosquito Facts Did you know that you’re not really getting bit when you receive a mosquito bite? These insects don’t have any teeth. What they do have is a sharp mouth that can literally pry open the skin. Then they have tubes that they’ll stick through the skin to access blood. Don’t worry about the guy mosquitoes

    • June


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    Emergency Supplies for Earthquake Preparedness

    Stock up now on emergency supplies that can be used after an earthquake. These supplies should include a first aid kit, survival kits for the home, automobile, and workplace, and emergency water and food. Store enough supplies to last at least 3 days. First Aid Kit Store your first aid supplies in a tool box

    • June


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    5 Ways to Protect Your Home From Wildfires

    5 Ways to Protect Your Home From Wildfires Expert-recommended strategies for next fire season HOUSE IN SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA, AFTER THE 2017 TUBBS FIRE | COURTESY OF ANNE BELDEN/ISTOCK BY CONNOR MCGUIGAN | NOV 25 2017 The wildfires that ravaged 245,000 acres in four Northern California counties are fully contained, but we still don’t know the full extent of

    • May


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    California Considers Charge on Utility Bills to Create Safe Water Fund

    A plan to help fix some of the state’s most persistent drinking-water problems is opposed by many water agencies, but a similar scheme has worked in the energy sector for decades. The local fire department in East Porterville, California, provides nonpotable water for local residents who have run out of water after their wells ran dry.

    • May


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    CDC Report Links Swimming-Related Disease Outbreaks to Hotel Pools

    Pools can be inviting for families to cool off from the heat during summer vacations. However, a recent CDC report demonstrates that many swimming-related disease outbreaks occur at hotel pools or hot tubs.1,2 Pharmacists can play an important role in educating patients regarding healthy swim habits, and outbreak prevention strategies. Outbreak Statistics There have been 493

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